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Winning Friends & Influencing Others eBook

Winning Friends & Influencing Others eBook

Regular price $3.50 USD
Regular price $15.00 USD Sale price $3.50 USD
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If you are on the journey to win people over, by becoming an influencer, coach, or business owner, you need to be able to win people over. This is important to make the sale. The sale is getting people to trust you. Trust you as an influencer, coach, or even trust you with their money. People need to think that you are their best friend and in order to do that, there are several steps you must take and a certain persona you must project. You must be relatable and vulnerable so that others think they can be the same way with you. That's what makes best friends. That's what makes sales. That's what makes millions of followers. This eBook will show you exactly how to do that.

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